Wish List

China Glaze
  1. LOL
  2. QT
  3. Liquid Crystal
  4. Optical Illusion
  5. Prism
  6. Immortal
  7. Make A Spectacle
  1. Ivanka
  2. Kimmi
  3. Erika
  4. Barbie
  5. Felicity
  6. Lily
  7. Cassi
  8. Gabrielle
  9. Mieko
  10. Kimber
  11. Zuza
  12. Tracie
  13. Wednesday
  14. Feifei
  15. Song
  1. Teenage Dream
  2. Coney Island Cotton Candy
  3. Any DS (Not Coronation)
  4. Crown Me Already
  5. Absolutely Alice
  6. Jade Is The New Black
  7. Gouda Gouda Two Shoes
  8. Goldeneye
  9. The Spy Who Loved Me

Nails Inc:
  1. Topping Lane
  2. Sweets Way
  1. The Glittering Crowd
  2. Mercurial
  3. Boy-Girl Party
  1. Princess Tears
  2. Ascalon
  3. Order Of The Garter
  4. Bridal Veil
  5. Saint George
  6. Lady of The Lake
  7. Galahad
  1. Holographic

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